Thursday, May 12, 2011


Are you one of those people who forgets things easily? I know I am. I'm one of those people who panics until I get something done for fear of leaving something out. My mind is mostly restless with random thoughts passing through my head at the oddest of times.

I really hate it when something that I think up passes me by and I forget what I was thinking about and even what I was doing. It happens too often and it frustrates me immensely.

I find myself repeating things out loud so that I don't forget, but this also tends to pass me by at times when I get distracted with more appealing things. I adore the invention of sticky notes, since they at least allow me to leave myself reminders of things I deem important. Sometimes I use them for random ideas I want to work on, and sometimes I stick a note on the wall for the hell of it. Whatever the reason for writing it, I find that I don't panic as much when I have a reminder constantly staring me in the face.

I do panic until I find a note to write on, however it has become less of a problem ever since I swore to have a bunch of them on my desk. I also currently have 14 sticky notes on the wall in front of my laptop, but they give me a sense of comfort.

Since I work so much better with reminders, I decided to try and incorporate different kinds of reminders in my life to help me keep my mind on track at all times. Here is what I did, and found useful to my everyday life:

A workout reminder on my phone.
Along with my morning alarm, I made my phone ring every night before bed to remind me that I need to work out. I ignor it most of the time because I would have remembered anyway, but it's nice to know I have my own personal trainer reminding me to exercise.

An organiser for school
I recently bought an Amazon Kindle, and as well as being an awesome e-reader, I found it comes in very handy when I want to write dates and assignments for school. I also keep it beside my bed at night just in case I wake up with an idea in the middle of the night (yes this happens more than you might think).

Using web based word processors
I love using web based word processors. This is because I normally forget all about something I wrote once I saved the document. If I write something at school as a reminder and save it to pendrive, odds are that I would forget all about it (since my mind is at rest that I wrote it down somewhere) and the chances of losing all the data on a pendrive aren't exactly slim. So using web based word processors allow me to see my work no matter where I am, and don't make me worry about forgetting my pendrive. Since I'm online often, I don't forget about the documents as much as saved ones.

Now here is my latest attempt at reminding myself something:
Reminder Jewelry
Yes I know this one sounds weird, but it's used more often that one normally notices. Take a wedding ring or an engagement ring for example. Isn't that a reminder that someone cares enough about you to want to spend the rest of their life with you? Well this jewelry reminder idea uses the same concept. I've been having dietary troubles lately, so I tried making something to remind me of my goals no matter what. I made a weight loss bracelet. It's a simple satin chord forced through a small bead. The idea is to remind me to get thinner and not have to squeeze into my clothes.